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發(fā)布日期:2022-07-20 06:47:16 瀏覽次數(shù):








詳細(xì)了解輕質(zhì)隔墻板,請(qǐng)聯(lián)系:15515532955 (微信同號(hào))


In order to give you more space to take advantage of the partition board when you buy it, the next partition board manufacturer will give you a detailed explanation of the preparations before the installation of the partition board. The specific contents are as follows:


Cement partition board

In order to ensure the smooth progress of the installation work, it is necessary to make full preparations before installation, that is, the engineering design unit or the construction contractor shall provide the installation unit with the wall layout and product related technical objectives in the construction drawing in advance. The specific preparation work needs to ensure the following information: first, explain the selection of product type and axis distribution, wall thickness requirements, door and window distribution location and opening size, pipe distribution location and slotting size; The installation of partition board is not easy. The second is to clarify the application function requirements, waterproof and hanging weight requirements of the product and the methods that should be taken; The fire prevention and sound insulation objectives of conventional products are also noteworthy, which makes the follow-up work more smooth, that is, to give full play to the advantages of partition boards.

Hollow light partition board


For a clear understanding of the impact resistance of partition board products, the anti-seismic function will also contribute to the specific construction work. In order to ensure the quality of the project, the engineering design unit requires that the construction function of the partition board and the wall should be addressed, and the fundamental objective requirements for the use of the function should be put forward, so that the partition function can achieve a good goal. Our requirements for housing are gradually improving, so we need to have higher requirements for ourselves in the construction stage. The walls of the interior space of the building are separated. The partition wall is not load-bearing, and it is usually required to be light and thin, with good sound insulation function. There are different requirements for the partition walls of different functional rooms, such as the kitchen partition wall should have fire-resistant function; The toilet partition wall should have moisture-proof capacity.

For more information about lightweight partition board, please contact: 15515532955 (wechat same number)

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